Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

google adsense in romania

Oficial google adsense este disponibil si pentru site-urile in limba Romana incepand de ieri ;)
Info aici: Google adsense pentru Romania


Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so that it will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger and sign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Mdea .. interesant este cum a ajuns acolo .. adica sa fie considerat spam ;)
Eu tot banuiesc ca am niste gargauni handicapati pe care'i mananca in cur si raporteaza totata ziua siteurile mele la google, si aia din viteza au dat ok... spam si gata !!! Fara sa se oboseasca daca e ok sau nu !

Sa'mi bag pula in toti prietenii mei de cacat care nu au ce face si le sta un nod in gat in cazul meu !!! Sa le stea si cacatu in cur pana'o face pe ei de necaz!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Word Verification

WTF is this ;) ... LOL
Ciudat !

Pun cate un post odata la saptamana uneri ;) si cand colo azi ma trezii ca trebe sa completez un camp special: Word Verification ... tare ciudat.

Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.

informatii despre treaba asta
Poi tot nu'mi dau seama care'i cauza?? spamming
Asta n'o cred ... am blogu de la avatare care are sute linkuri spre findavatar dar nu are nici o treaba cu spamul cu toate ca are mult mult mai multe linkuri ... in fine cine stie, am facut un review sa vad ce parere au baietii de la google.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Avatare cu iepurasi

Zeci si Sute de avatare cu iepurasi gasiti pe (cautare “iepurasi” ) sau pe
Un paste fericit !
Avatare cu iepurasi pentru paste

gallery_17549_824_1543.jpg gallery_17549_824_531.jpg

tn_gallery_17549_824_1768.jpgtn_gallery_17549_824_2159.jpggallery_17549_824_2083.jpgtn_gallery_17549_824_2163.jpg gallery_17549_824_1759.jpggallery_17549_824_188.jpggallery_17549_824_423.jpgtn_gallery_17549_824_4314.jpg

Avatare cu iepurasi de paste … cine stie poate ca cineva are pofta de morcovei !:)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Google TiSP

Sign up for our free in-home wireless broadband service

Sick of paying for broadband that you have to, well, pay for?

Introducing Google TiSP (BETA), our new FREE in-home wireless broadband service. Sign up today and we'll send you your TiSP self-installation kit, which includes setup guide, fiber-optic cable, spindle, wireless router and installation CD.

Interested? You can learn more about TiSP via the links below, or get started now.

Installing TiSP

Installing a typical home TiSP system is a quick, easy and largely sanitary process -- provided you follow these step-by-step instructions very, very carefully.

#1 Remove the spindle of fiber-optic cable from your TiSP installation kit.

#2 Attach the sinker to the loose end of the cable, take one safe step backward and drop this weighted end into your toilet.

#3 Grasp both ends of the spindle firmly while a friend or loved one flushes, thus activating the patented GFlush™ system, which sends the weighted cable surfing through the plumbing system to one of the thousands of TiSP Access Nodes.

#4 When the GFlush is complete, the spindle will (or at least should) have largely unraveled, exposing a connector at the remaining end. Detach the cable from the spindle, taking care not to allow the cable to slip into the toilet.

#5 Plug the fiber-optic cable into your TiSP wireless router, which has a specially designed counterweight to withstand the centripetal force of flushing.

#6 Insert the TiSP installation CD and run the setup utility to install the Google Toolbar (required) and the rest of the TiSP software, which will automatically configure your computer's network settings.

#7 Within sixty minutes -- assuming proper data flow -- the other end of your fiber-optic cable should have reached the nearest TiSP Access Node, where our Plumbing Hardware Dispatchers (PHDs) will remove the sinker and plug the line into our global data networking system.

#8 Congratulations, you're online! (Please wash your hands before surfing.)

Note: If you have any difficulty installing, operating or simply living with TiSP, we suggest joining the TiSP Help Group.

Advanced TiSP Options

Professional Installation Service
You can also choose to request our professional installation service, which dispatches an army of factory-trained, sub-contracted nanobots from the TiSP Access Node. The nanobots travel with exhilarating nano-speed through the sewer system and into your home to perform the installation service, which should be complete within 15 minutes. Note: For your own physical safety and emotional well-being and in consideration of the nanobots' working conditions, please make absolutely certain that your toilet is unoccupied at the scheduled appointment time.

In-Commode Package Delivery
With professional installation service, you can also have your Google Checkout purchases delivered directly through the sewage network into your bathroom. Each package comes pre-sealed in a watertight and nanobot-resistant bag made of biodegradable corn-based plastic. For a limited time, TiSP subscribers who sign up for a Checkout account will receive free bathroom delivery on their first ten Checkout purchases.

TiSP for Enterprise
We're actively developing a higher-performance version of TiSP specifically tailored to small and medium-sized businesses, including 24-hour, on-site technical support in the event of backup problems, brownouts and data wipes.



Daca ai ajuns aici este din doua motive:

1. Ai ajuns din greseala cine stie cum ...
2. Ai luat o teapa cu un anunt, adica a fost o pacaleala de 1 Aprilie.

Ca sa nu pleci suparat poate vrei sa citesti niste bancuri poate te mai amuzi putin:))

O zi buna in continuare !!!

Pacaleala de 1 Aprilie !